Shopify maintains 99.9% uptime on high performant, secure, infrastructure. Meaning youʼll never lose sleep, or another sale, because your site crashed.
WooCommerce is more expensive than Shopify across all major categories (Implementation, platform costs, and ongoing maintenance)
Say goodbye to endless unreliable plugins. Shopify includes more native features and a more reliable app ecosystem for fast growing brands.
Reduce technical debt and enable business users to make rapid changes with clicks not code.
Whenever we did a launch, we had to pray the site wouldnʼt crash. The stability of Shopify Plus has given us peace of mind. We have a global community of football fans and we needed a platform that could keep up with high traffic and large volumes of orders being placed at the same time—especially when we launch new products.”
Powering millions of brands across the globe, Shopify delivers 99.99% uptime, which means you donʼt have to stress about your site crashing.
Shopify takes security seriously, providing PCI-DDS, SOC 1, 2, and 3, as well as GDPR compliance, so you never need to worry about keeping your data secure.
Shopifyʼs̓ checkout is extensible, trackable, and more flexible than ever. Itʼs̓ loaded with features so you can customize it however you want, and stable enough that you will never miss a sale.
“Our team came to CQL not only looking for improvement with stability and speed of our website, but a new design that is cohesive with our brand and products. Their team built a solution within Shopify Plus that was more flexible, efficient, and is something we can build upon to support our continual growth.”
Shopify has a full suite of best-in-class commerce capabilities, available out of the box, across your entire stack.
Thousands of Engineers all focused on making commerce better for everyone $1.7B invested into R&D in 2023 100% of company is focused on commerce
Shopify releases hundreds of annual commerce updates—from integrating AI across, to offering omnichannel selling tools (B2B, POS, etc.).
After replatforming, LVLY no longer needed external tech teams to run the site, saving the brand around $32,000 in operating annual costs.
“WordPress… incurs significant additional costs in terms of development and project management, which would have eventually exceeded the price of the Shopify package.”
Significant savings across implementation, platform costs, and ongoing maintenance when moving from WooCommerce to Shopify. More details
Shopify can help WooCommerce customers dramatically increase their sales. All thanks to revenue driving features like POS, Markets Pro, Shop Pay, Shopify Audiences, Shop Pay Installments, and the Shop app.
In a study of ecommerce conversion rates, Shopifyʼs̓ checkout converts 17% better than WooCommerce. Thatʼs̓ money left on the table.
With WordPress and WooCommerce, I was completely out of sync with my agency. Every time I needed to change a comma or anything, I had to create specifications, request a quote, wait for the developer to be available… It was not at all sustainable.
Shopify’s intuitive UI empowers both technical and business users to drive value, independent ly
Prebuilt integrations, plug-and-play apps, and strong native functionality allow for agility and experimentation
Innovative, commerce-focused tools that help you merchandise products, run promotions, personalize buyer experiences, and access all the data you need to plan your next move.
Shopify converts up to 36%
better than the competition
When leveraging “like to like” samples, Shopify outperforms peers by up to 36%, and by 15.2% on average.
Shopifyʼs TCO is 36%
better than WooCommerce
When leveraging “like to like” samples, Shopify outperforms peers by up to 36%,
and by 15.2% on average.